Students kit Wind and weather

Students kit Wind and weather

Children learn how to recognise, distinguish and measure different weather phenomena such as

  • temperatures
  • cloud cover
  • wind direction and force
  • precipitation

They also learn reading and using the various weather symbols used on official weather forecast charts.
At the same time basic scientific skills like observation, documentation and evaluation as well as the use of instruments are practised and encouraged.
Including a teacher’s manual ‘Experiments in work-stations: Wind and weather’ wiith copy templates covering 6 workstations with 2 childern each.
Age 9-12
Materials for up to 6 workstations (for 12 children)

The picture shows a red storage box equipped with various measuring instruments and accessories for experiments. Included are a thermometer, a barometer, a compass, measuring cups and materials for weather observation.

item number 895999

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further product description

Technical specifications

Size of kit: 540 x 450 x 150 mm

  • 1 - Clouds

    experiment "Clouds"

    The students can determine the degree of cloudiness by observing the sky.

  • 2 - Wind direction

    experiment "Wind direction"

    The students learn the points of the compass, N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW and their representation on a compass card.

  • 3 - What makes the weather

    experiment "What makes the weather"

    The students can describe weather conditions in everyday language and learn about the four specified weather elements.

  • 4 - Recording the temperature

    experiment "Recording the temperature"

    The students can correctly measure the air temperature and record the findings.

  • 5 - Maximum and minimum temperature

    experiment "Maximum and minimum temperature"

    The students recognize the possible applications of a maximum and minimum thermometer (direct measurement and “storage” of measured figures) they can read the displays of the max. and min. thermometer.

  • 6 - Measuring the temperature day by day

    experiment "Measuring the temperature day by day"

    The students enter the temperature readings (current, maximum, minimum) in a table and later compile the figures to form a temperature curve.

  • 7 - Wind strength

    experiment "Wind strength"

    The students are introduced to wind measuring devices based on the principle of the anemometer, which they learn how to use. They can read the wind strength and speed and use various units of measure.

  • 8 - Recording the rainfall

    experiment "Recording the rainfall"

    The students can record the level of rainfall in mm with the aid of a rain gauge.

  • 9 - Using the weather symbols on the adhesive boards

    experiment "Using the weather symbols on the adhesive boards"

    The students describe or draw the symbols with the supplied water-soluble marker onto the plastic cards, then affix them to the board.

  • 10 - A weather survey over four weeks

    experiment "A weather survey over four weeks"

    The students can, on their own, observe the weather elements: clouds, temperature, wind (direction, speed) and precipitation (type, quantity) over a long period of time and enter the observed data in a table.

  • 11 - Evaluation of the weather survey

    experiment "Evaluation of the weather survey"

    From a weather table, the students can read the weather conditions on a single day and the course of the weather over several days.

scope of supply
  • 6 × Thermometer, student type–25 to +50°C
  • 1 × Rain gauge with adapter
  • 2 × Compass with pointer lock45 mmØ
  • 1 × Carrier bag
  • 1 × Anemometer, mechanic
  • 1 × Telescopic tripod for anemometer
  • 1 × Clamping arm for 30598
  • 1 × Wind vane
  • 1 × Felt pen, water soluble
  • 1 × Tray 510x360x20 mm
  • 1 × Battery cells, 1,5 V, R 3set of 4 pcs.
  • 1 × Compass card w.adjustablearrow, 250 mm dia.
  • 1 × Foam insert for 8959, 515x370x105 mm
  • 1 × Compass card, plastic 180 mm dia.
  • 1 ×
  • 2 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 5 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 1 ×
  • 1 × Demo-Thermometer-Model
  • 6 × Rain collector with graduation, 80x35 mm
  • 2 × Adhesive felt board 450x350 mm
  • 1 × Plastic case ca.540x450x150 mm
  • 1 × Storing diagram (Wind and Weather)